Physical Therapy
Most of the individuals being supported are non-ambulatory and are unable to move themselves throughout the course of the day. Physical therapy services are offered to promote the person’s maximum well-being and ensure they can fully participate in the instruction and activities at the day training facility as well as at their home. The person, based on a comprehensive assessment by the Physical Therapist, is provided with an individualized physical management plan to include functional and therapeutic positioning along with a gross motor exercise program and range of motion exercises to loosen contracted extremities, increase muscle strength, and improve vestibular capabilities, as well as prevent progression of deformities. Specially trained personnel to include a Certified Physical Therapy Assistant and instructors provide these needed supports to the individual and are always up to date with all trainings.
People supported are provided with a wide range of physical therapy programs to include, use of adaptive equipment to promote assisted standing, walking and siting for persons needing support. The day training facility is also home to an adaptive equipment department and specialists who develop training aids, individual positioning devices and repairs and fabricate individual’s wheelchairs.