
At MCP, people supported receive therapeutic services both in their home and at the Lifelong Learning Program. These are essential services for promoting the individual’s well being and ability to participate in the instructional component of the program and activities of daily living. Support Services include physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. horse therapy, pet therapy and music therapy may also be offered throughout the year, as appropriate to each person supported and availability.

Physical Therapy

Most of the individuals being supported are non-ambulatory and are unable to move themselves throughout the course of the day.  Physical therapy services are offered to promote the person’s maximum well-being and ensure they can fully participate in the instruction and activities at the day training facility as well as at their home. The person, based on a comprehensive assessment by the Physical Therapist, is provided with an individualized physical management plan to include functional and therapeutic positioning along with a gross motor exercise program and range of motion exercises to loosen contracted extremities, increase muscle strength, and improve vestibular capabilities, as well as prevent progression of deformities. Specially trained personnel to include a Certified Physical Therapy Assistant and instructors provide these needed supports to the individual and are always up to date with all trainings.

People supported are provided with a wide range of physical therapy programs to include, use of adaptive equipment to promote assisted standing, walking and siting for persons needing support. The day training facility is also home to an adaptive equipment department and specialists who develop training aids, individual positioning devices and repairs and fabricate individual’s wheelchairs.

person using physical training equipment

Occupational Therapy

People supported by Miami Cerebral Palsy present a variety of needs that requires interventions specifically associated with the skills offered by an Occupational Therapist. This includes providing services that increase the quality of life for the people at home, at the Lifelong Learning Program or school and within the community, thus allowing each person supported to actively engage in meaningful activities during their daily activities. Some interventions provided by the Occupational Therapist include the development of fine/gross motor skills, providing adaptive equipment, and the application of orthotics (splints) limiting the potential for contracture development through custom splinting and targeted range of motion exercises. Occupational therapy also helps each person with sensory processing issues, including but not limited to tactile, auditory, olfactory, and movement. Adaptive equipment is provided (and often individually fabricated) to aid in each person participation in mealtime, dressing, bathing, grooming or other environmental factors affecting the persons day to day activities.

Speech Therapy

People supported communicate needs, desires, and wishes.  The speech therapist works with the person and with interdisciplinary team members to provide individualized instruction for improving communication skills.  Many individuals lack integrated oral motor skills and require specialized nutritional management services including mealtime feeding techniques, adapted mealtime equipment, and appropriate diet textures.  The speech therapist develops a plan to support the person’s oral motor challenges and trains the staff working with the person.  Other oral motor services are provided, including use of the Interplak toothbrush and oral stimulation.

Individual Using Device
Person on Horse

Horse Therapy

Through the interdisciplinary approach at MCP, the Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists have assessed and recommended the individuals at MCP to participate in HIPPO Therapy, which is a treatment strategy that utilizes equine movement or Therapeutic/Adaptive Riding. MCP collaborates with Whispering Mane Therapeutic Riding Center, a not for profit dedicated to providing equine assisted activities to adults and children with disabilities. Specifically, the people supported focus on un-mounted and mounted activities to build confidence, horse knowledge, social interaction and improved gross motor skills to include range of motion. The persons participate in either an individual or group setting and can lead to Therapeutic Horseback riding.

Pet Therapy

Animal-assisted therapy that uses dogs or other animals has been reported to help people recover from or better cope with problems. At MCP, Pet Therapy has simply brought enjoyment and comfort.

Individual with Support Dog
Individual Playing Instrument

Music Therapy

MCP believes that Music Therapy is not only enjoyable but beneficial for people supported. Music therapy is a type of expressive art that uses music to improve and maintain the physical, psychological, and social well-being of individuals and involves a broad range of activities. At MCP Music Therapy has included activities such as listening to music, singing, and playing a musical instrument. People supported at MCP also participate in a choir at the Lifelong Learning Program for special events.

Art Therapy

A Wonderful Form of Therapy. Through the Creative Breakthrough Art Studio at the Lifelong Learning program the people we support are afforded the opportunity to draw, color, paint, sculpt and pretty much design, create, exhibit and sell anything that they believe to be Art.

Person Painting Art